When your hosting service provider offers live chat support, you'll be able to speak to a representative live and find out useful info or get an issue resolved promptly. The key advantage of using chat rather than calling to talk with a live person is that you'll need just a computer with access to the web, so you will not pay any rates when you are in a different state or country. What's more, it'll be quicker to copy and paste data like domain names, usernames or error messages in other words details which are sometimes hard to share with the other side on the telephone. The live chat is also a quicker solution to contact your web hosting supplier's support team in comparison to using a ticketing system. Last, but not least, in the event that some situation needs some more time to be resolved, you are able to do something different while you wait for guidance on the live chat, therefore you will not lose time - something that's impossible if you're on the telephone.

Live Chat Support in Shared Web Hosting

As we acknowledge the fact that a lot of issues are easily resolved if you talk with a live person, we offer a live chat service for all our potential and current clients. The chat is online every single day and our customer care representatives will help you with a wide range of questions and troubles. If you are not our client yet, you can learn more about our shared web hosting packages and the website hosting platform in general in order to make sure that your web sites will work efficiently on our servers. In case you already have an account and you have some questions or you experience any problems with some of our services, you will be able to get in touch with us through the live chat and we will provide you with the needed details or assist you to troubleshoot the problem. You'll need to open a support ticket for certain troubles that require longer time or the help of a system administrator, still for numerous common troubles you'll get help on the spot.

Live Chat Support in Semi-dedicated Servers

When you use the live chat support service that we offer with our semi-dedicated hosting plans, you are able to get the answers for any questions you may have or have a lot of issues dealt with right away. The service is available every day, thus you are able to speak to an agent even on holidays and weekends. In the event that you're unsure which package would be better for your web sites or if our cutting-edge cloud hosting platform covers some system requirements, you can join the live chat before you purchase anything. If you're a current customer, you will be able to find more information about account settings, billing issues as well as various common technical troubles you may have, let's say in case you can't set up an email account in a client on your computer. Our live chat can save you considerable time no matter where you are or when you get in touch with us.